Cat Aggression

by Crystal
(Spring, TX, United States)

I got my kitten when she was two weeks old, she was abondoned by her mother and I could'nt leave her to die. I hand fed her and took her to the vet to make sure everything was okay. She was an extremely loving kitten, she would scream when I would leave the room and she would sleep on my pillow. Now she is five months old and she is seemingly evil; mainly towards me. She bites me, claws me, attacks my feet, and torments the dog. I don't know if she is just playing, if she is hyper, if she hates me, or if she knows i'll let her get away with it. I have to have some kind of help calming her down. I love her too much to give her away but, I really need to restore the harmony in my house. Can you please help me?

Answer by Kate
Hi the behavior your cat is showing is normal for a cat who is use to this sort of play. In other words because she has got away with it in the past she thinks its ok.

You must get her spayed now as this will also be increasing her aggression.

Then you must stop the biting play by using the cat discipline method which works with negative and positive responses to her actions. This method is described fuller here

You could also try a felaway spray which is designed to help calm a cat down. They should be available from your pet stores.

best wishes Kate

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