cat and dog behavior

I have a cat now for 13 years she's in great shape,, still play's ect.. We got a dog 7 years ago,, she still won't warm up to her.. The dog whines because she just want's top get along. How can I get them to get along?

Answer by Kate
unfortunately after such a long time together I really dont think that the two will ever get along.

Some cats and dogs are happy to get along and others simply dont. Its just the way of things. Just liken we as humans like some people and not others.

the best you can hope for is that they just tolerate each other.

I wonder if the dog wining is not associated with directly with the cat. the dog may simply be feeling generally insecure and a dog behaviorist may be able to help your dog with this.

All you can really do is to treat both your cat and dog the same and to spend as much time with both of them in the same room. perhaps encourage some interaction with a game of chase , even if just means the dog watches the cat chase a piece of string etc. the more time the two spend together in your company the more they should be able to relax with each other. Make sure you are calm and relaxed when you are all together and dont be tempted to shout at either of them as this will just increase the fear.

best wishes Kate

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