Cat and neighbor problems

My cat, according to my neighbor, comes into her yard and up to her glass slider and jumps aggressively at her three house cats causing them to fight with each other. she claims she has to give them vallium to keep them calm and seperate them into different rooms.

My cat is neutered, has all his shots and is a big cat (14lbs) and is an outdoor cat who does roam. Unfortunately, he does not listen to me when I tell him not to leave our yard. Do you have any suggestions for keeping this incident from happening

Answer by Kate
quick answer is no their is no way to prevent your cat going where they want when they are outside. cats remain essentially wild animlas and are not like dogs where you can control them.

I'm sorry but if your neighbour keeps her cats in and behind a glass door well then thats her problem and she should cover her door if it is upsetting her cats.

All the cats are displaying normal cat behavior

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