Cat ate non-toxic plant, now vomiting dark green, lethargic, walking funny...

I bought an Areca Palm house plant because it is on the ASPCA's list of safe plants for cats and dogs. I have 3 cats and they have all munched on the plant, but one of them, Lucky, has eaten almost the entire plant. He has been working on destroying/eating it for 4 months. This past week, Lucky has vomited once a day for 3 days in a row. It was dark dark green. The first day he started yowling and then projectile vomited an enormous amount of watery dark green vomit full of leaves (which were long and bunched into a ball.) The second day it was still a lot more than you would expect to see from a cat, but no leaves. The third day it was only dark green liquid in a small amount. Since then, the vomiting has stopped. I figured that he just ate too much plant and had to get it out of his system and would feel better soon, but it has been almost a week and he is still not eating, is moving very slowly and when he walks (in slow motion) his back legs are moving strangely. His eyes and nose look crusty and he just generally looks like he doesn't feel good. I have seen him drinking from the water bowl. All my cats share a litterbox, so I am unsure of a possible change in that area. I have to wait until Monday to call the vet and I am looking for some advice while I wait. I am wondering if maybe there is a bunch of leaves bunched up in his belly. I have never seen such dark green vomit ever. What do you think could be going on? Thank you for your help.

Answer from Kate
yes i think you are right. he may have just eaten so much that it has given him bad belly ache or as you say may have become stuck in his system.

i really do think that a trip to your vets is the best option. Your cat will need to be examined the vet will be able to feel if there is a possible obstruction.

I dont think he is poisoned but has simpled over dosed on this plant which like anything is not good for any of us.

Lets hope the vet can sort this out quickly for him and that it puts him off eating plants in the future. Perhaps you could provide your cats with some natural cat grass which you can grow inside for them if they are particularly partial to nibbling plants etc.

best wishes Kate

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follow up
by: Anonymous

hi there,

has there been any follow up about this issue? i think my cat is experiencing the same thing.

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