Cat attacking my other cat

by Matt
(West Caldwell NJ)

Hi, I recently had my cat groomed and when we brought him back home, my other orange haired cat suddenly out of no where started hissing at him and trying to swat him with his paw. Prior to this they got along just great and now since he has been groomed and his fur is significantly shorter the orange cat keeps trying to attack him. Please help. Matt.

Answer by Kate
Don't worry this is a common problem and is called aggression trauma. Basically your cat has become a little afraid of the other cat probably because they smell strange after their visit to the groomers.

the best way to help your cats over come this is to take them through a short period of introduction again using the safe method described here on my page

I would also recommend rubbing your cat who did not go to the groomers with a clean towel and then rub the towel over your other cat, this may help calm him down.

best wishes Kate

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