cat baby time

by tyler james wright
(rockport texas usa)

my cat is about to have its baby and i don't know if she found a spot yet she keeps following me were should i put her to have them or will she do that her self

Answer by Kate
Your cat will find her own space to have her kittens, don't worry. however you can make up a box where she may choose to have them.

A cardboard box lined with paper or an old blanket placed in a quiet corner of a room, often behind the sofa or somewhere where she will feel safe and secure. Make sure the room is warm and she may just choose to have her kittens there. But you can't force her.

I have some pages about kitten care which you may find of help for later on, there can be lots of things to know in looking after kittens. here is the first page

best wishes Kate

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