Cat Behavior

by Stephanie
(Tualatin, Or)

I have a 2 year old male cat.. getting very aggresive and needs a playmate. I have heard its better to get a female for a male, is that true? And should it be younger than him?

Answer by kate
well firstly cats do not necessarily needs play mates. This is often a mis-understanding by humans as we think their needs are the same as ours. In fact cats are solitary animals and do not live in packs like dogs in the wild.

cats who have grown up with other cats are usually fine with living with another animal or two but for those who have been brought up on their own, it could be fireworks if another cat is introduced to the house. So be aware that if you do get another cat there are no guarantees that they will get on.

If you do go ahead it is best that a cat of the opposite sex is obtained. Also make sure both animals are neutered or spayed to reduce any aggression as well as the obvious problem of kittens.

Your 2 years old kitten is displaying normal cat behaviour, they are full of energy and need things to be able to keep them happy and to be able to carry out their instincts with, such as hunting, stalking, chasing, climbing etc. All these things can be supplied with a variety of different toys etc. Please see my page here about this

Also if he is not neutered then this would also account for his aggressive behaviour as he will be full of hormones driving him mad.

I also have a page about cat introductions which you may find useful if you do go ahead and get another cat.

best wishes Kate

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