Cat Behavior

by Tanya



My cat is part siamese and... Im really not sure. He just turned 12 this October. We are finding out that when we wrestle or run through the house playing, he starts to attack us. Today my husband and I were wrestling and he came out from underneath the bed bitting our legs. He was hissing, showing his teeth, and pawing at us {he does not have his front claws}. Well he bit both of us on our legs, and drew blood. My son who is 7 will also wrestle with us. My son is starting to get scared of our cat who we have had since a kitten. He was my baby before I had my son. Is it because he is getting older?

Answer by Kate
it is likely as as your cat gets older he may be getting a little more weary and this sort of energetic noisy behavior would appear to be frightening to him. His reaction is entirely normal, he is trying to either defend you thinking you are under attack or he is just reacting aggressively to his fear.

All i can suggest is that if at all possible you make sure your cat is not in the same rooms as you all are when you are wrestling and to also make sure you go to him after this activity and speak softly and calmly to him so that he knows all is ok.

As gets get older they may start to suffer from age related problems which can affect their behavior. Please see this page for more on this.

You may also find this page of some interest too.

best wishes Kate

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