cat cries at same time

by gabriela



its been like 3 days since my cat starts crying at 5:30, he has food and water and i go to see whats going on but he keeps crying, after like 1 hr he just stops, do you know the reason?

Answer by Kate
If this is a new behavior then I would assume that something new is happening at that time for him to start calling. Night time is the normal time for cats to be active and this is often when they start caterwauling to other cats.

However there could be other things at play here also. If he is a old cat then he may be starting to suffer some form of dementia please see this page for more on this here

When a cats behavior changes for no apparent reason I always recommend that you have them checked out by a vet in case there is some underlying illness involved. Once any ill health can be ruled out then you will know that it could be because there is a new cat in the area at that time and this may be what is triggering your cats behavior.

best wishes Kate

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