Cat crying at door

by Mimi


Our cat Babette is a beautiful black and white, playful 8 year old princess. She has been an outdoor cat all her life, until recently, when we moved to the 3rd floor of a brownstone. At first, she adapted well to life as an indoor cat: we bought her a cat condo, cat grass, toys and treats. We devote time to play with her in the morning and evening and for the first 3 months, she was happy. She did have some restless days, but nothing a new toy wouldn't cure. Recently, she has started to cry incessantly at the door that leads to the hallway, morning, noon and night. We do not let her out in the hallway because she cries at other appartement doors and because she tries to open hallway doors that lead to the front entrance stairs. It's a big building and she could slip through the wrong door. We have let her out in the hallway a few times, supervised, to stretch her legs and run, but of course this makes the situation worse. My husband works from home and her crying is starting to make him lose patience with her. He'll play with her or feed her to calm her down but she always goes back to the door! We have resorted to locking her in a bedroom for an hour to calm her down, but this just breaks my heart and personally, I think it frustrates her even more and makes matters worse. We don't know what to do anymore! She used to sleep all night, but now she wakes up at all hours. Basically, the great, happy cat I used to know has been replaced by an unhappy, crying, restless cat. We had her checked and she is in perfect help, with the exception of gingivitis.

Thanks for your advice or help if you can, we are desperate! :)

Mimi and Otis

Answer by Kate
Oh sorry to hear this Mimi, it sounds so sad. I assume she is spayed as you let her out before. I must admit i am stuck for an answer as i am am an advocate of allowing cats outside, but obviously with your new home sitiation this is not possible. Have you thought about trying to leash train her so that you can take her outside for short walks (if possible).
Maybe someone else on this site who owns indoor only cats will be able to advise further.

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by: Anonymous

Actually I went through the same thing, my persian Gizmo was a in door cat w/ the exception of me taking him out on a leash a few times when he was a few months old. But then I moved into a house w/ 5 other roommates during college and they decided he should be able to go outside and let him out- on a leash at first. He loved it and so eventually it transitioned to letting him roam he'd spend most nights in with me sleeping but would go out in the morning and come in when I came home for lunch. But then I moved into an apartment where you can't let the cats outside as it's violation of your lease- so he cried and cried and even got so mad as to start peeing on my bed and clothes to make his point. Finally he settled down and stopped as it was winter and he never was one to go out in the snow, but once summer hit he was at the crying again. I decided maybe he just needed a friend and got a new siamese. I can't say he's always pleased with her as she tends to think she owns the place and me, but he's pretty mellow and let's her do most things without getting to mad. However he does not meow anymore and during the day and night they play and if I'm not home they will nap together and clean one another. Every once in awhile he'll stand at the door and look at me but then moxie comes and jumps at him looking to play and he forgets about it and plays.

I'd say give another cat a try if you are willing to have two. I think it's better for them in the long run to have a companion. Just be careful on having two males they are very territorial even when neutured.

thanks for your responses
by: Mimi

Hi - I'm not sure I understand how to respond to comments and answers to my cat question...other than using this comment feature.

Someone suggested adding another cat to the household. Unfortunately, Babette is the kind of cat who despises having other cats around, and gets *very* jealous. A few years ago I babysat my sister's two cats for two months and Babette was SO mortified and hurt by this sudden intrusion in her queendom that she would physically attack me (biting my ankles, etc) and hiss at me everytime she heard my voice! (I know, sounds like I'm exagerating, but she was deeply, deeply disturbed by it). So much so that she ran away for two months and only came back when the cats were gone. It took her about a year to become affectionate with me again. She is, however, a very social cat when it comes to human beings and she enjoys being petted, she used to love going to neighbours' houses and getting affection and hanging out with strangers who would fawn all over her. ;) I think she misses the human interraction the most...

I have thought of a leash but I wonder how trainable she is at 8. It's worth a shot, thank you!

Perhaps another little one
by: Linda

Have you thought of adding another little kitty to your household? She may be restless for company of another of her kind. Two kitties are just as easy as one and that would provide another to play with.There are so many that need a loving home. I'll bet that would do the trick. Good luck, she is beautiful!

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