cat dead after 2 months of spaying.

by vijaya
(tamil nadu)

my female cat of one year was spayed two months back.i gave her 6 drops of metacam 2 times into 3 days.she was normal till yesterday night yesterday she escaped out of the window at night and was found near by me in the morning at 7am her tongue was sticking out a little side ways with a little blood inside the mouth,which was not seen but a slight drop fell when i shook her.what could be the reason

It sounds to me like she may have fallen or been hit. Sometimes when cats fall they seem to always smash their face and jaw. Or she may have eaten something poisonous.

Unfortunately when cats go outside as mine do there is no way of knowing what happens to them. Just like our kids although they can least tell us what goes on.

I am so sorry for your loss

best wishes kate

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