cat eating cat litter

by jill

My 16 year old cat has started eating his cat litter.Is this anything to be worried about?

Answer by Kate
well it can't be good. The grit may get causght inside him if it can't pass through or even cause damage along the way.

It is strange that he is suddenly displaying this behavior. Why not try and change the type od litter you use, their are many different products now made from a variety of different substances from paper to grain. See my page here for a few examples

Keep an eye on the cat and see if he is dispalying any other unusual symptoms or behaviors. In which case a trip to the vets may be in order.

best wishes Kate

Comments for cat eating cat litter

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Cat eating litter/grit
by: Liz

I had this with a ginger cat many years ago. I had a gastroscopy (camera) done and he had ulcers all the way through his stomach and gut.
I now have another ginger cat exhibiting the same behaviour.

by: Anonymous

This is absolutely something to worry about. Does your cat also eat dirt? If so, your cat may be exhibiting that it has an iron deficiency. It may be from anemia, which can stem from the bite of the wrong flea or tick that carries the disease. What will happen is that the cat's blood will start to become watery, and your cat will lose a lot of weight. Become lethargic, sleep a lot, and at the end stages, have a hard time keeping its balance and walking. A blood transfusion can help if caught in time. I lost my first cat from this exact thing. Take it to the vet.

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