Cat Fighting with in the home

by Monica
(Ft. Morgan, Co. 80701)

Say hello to the newest addition to our family.

Say hello to the newest addition to our family.

My mother cat just had her latest litter on March 31, 2008. I've had Mommy kitty since she was a kitten, she's given birth to 4 diffrent litters, her first litter there were 2 kittens born, her second litter she had 3; one was killed about 2months later by a stray that got in the house. her third litter she had 5. Never once did any of my cats fight, out of pure anger and hate, just play, not even when Mommy kittys first daughter gave birth, to her first litter of 5. N E who, I didnt have a large enough space, nor could I finachualy keep all 13 cats, I ended up with two out of Mommy kittys last litter and her, when her newest litter arrived every thing was fine, the two older ones (which are about a year old), they slowly sniffed and explored the room and didnt get to close to the kittens but sniffed the air and then walked away, about 1 week ago they all started fighting ive had to shut the door where mommy kitty is put food and a litter box in there and lock the other two up when its her time to come out, ive tried to let them just work it out, but the hate they have developed is crazy, its like there going for blood. I dont know what happend, but when i came home they were at war. Please help, I love my cats and am wanting all of them, what do i do?

Thank you for giving me a chance... (( ))

Answer by Kate
Hi, cats are not pack anaimals like dogs but prefer to live either singly or in very small groups. in the wild when a cat has kittens once they are old enough to fend for themselves the mother cat will chase them away so that the territory is not too over crowded.
It sounds like you have too many cats living in one household and it is natural for them to fight to try and chase the other cats off. I'm sorry but this is nature and there is nothing you can do to stop them. If the cats are allowed to continue to breed and have more litters there will be more and more cat fights, it is much kinder fr the animals to be neutered and for the amount of cats to be kept to a minimum. Having them neutered will also calm them down and reduce their desire to fight.

Great picture by the way

Comments for Cat Fighting with in the home

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Spay your cat!
by: Kristy

You need to spay your cat! Your behavior is completely irresponsible. It is people like you who are causing the pet overpopulation problem and euthanasia of healthy animals.
theanimaladvocate at gmail dot com

Spay/ Neuter
by: Anonymous

I totaly agree.....your kitties need to be S/N as soon as possible to end the fighting. I recently took in a stray tom cat that was soo beat up from his fights....neutered him, and he's now a very nice kitty not begging to get into fights all the time.

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