cat has fetish for shoes

by Fran Wittner
(Alberta, Canada)



I adopted a shy cat 7 years ago that took to me right away. She is sweet and cuddly but has a shoe fetish. She started taking shoes out of the hall closet and taking them to the living room during the night. I could tell when she was doing it because she would be meowing a sad meow. I broke my hip 2 months ago and she started sleeping on my pillow right beside my head which is something new but the shoes started winding up in the bedroom. This morning I had a pair of running shoes in my bed! I don't get it!

Answer from Kate
Hi had a cat who would steal my watch, ear muffs and socks and I would find them in a pile in the corner of the room. our current cat walks around with his toy mice all the time and i often wake up with them on the bed or in a circle in the kitchen around his food bowl. it is very funny to see.

I guess I am saying all this because there is no real reason why your cat likes your shoes and moves them around. I don't know any one who really gets there cats and that just the way i like it :0 they are unique to themselves and we are lucky to have them in our lives.

bedt wishes Kate

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