Cat has something wrong the vets are incompetent

by Isoan Rivera
(Puerto Rico)

My kitten sometimes drags her bottom all over the floor after she uses the litter, staining the floor with her feces. and i have noticed her anus seems a bit prollapsed when this occurs and when this occurs she leaks strange substance like greenish yellowish clear liquid, and she was already given an injection for worms, and the vet checked her and he said she was healthy. I changed her diet but sometimes it still comes back. It worries me that she might have some internal problem.

Answer by Kate
Oh this does sound rather nasty. If i were you i would find another vet. In my experience vets can vary dramatically in their approach, it really is worth getting a second opinion, even if it just to put your mind at rest. But something is wrong, she may have blocked anal glands which is causing her some discomfort.

best wishes Kate

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