Cat keeps bringing me gifts!!

by Susan
(Essex, England)


My cat Maysie is 14 months old. Recently she has taken to bringing in gifts such as birds and large moths. she doesn't kill them but obviously when she puts them down infront of me they try to escape and then the chase is on! As a lover of all animals I do my best to save whatever she brings in, mostly successfully. The problem is that sometimes she gets very upset with me for this and can be quite spiteful with me when she realises what I've done. I'm not sure how to handle this. I never tell her off as I understand this to be normal but should I maybe giving her a treat so she understands that I appreciate what she has done for me so that may stop her having a go at me? Or should I not be awarding her for her actions at all?

I have another cat that I adopted 4 years ago and he is now 9 years and neither him or my previos cat has ever brough things in like this. Ever since bringing her home she has wanted to suckle on my dressing gown while padding and this is still a special time we have together everyday so I do feel an exceptional bond with her and don't want to destroy this.

I look forward to receiving your reply.

Kind Regards

Susan Jenkins

Answer by KAte
well you will never be able to stop this behavior it is instinctual and yes she is showing you are much she loves you.

i think you have hit the nail on the head. take the creature away but then give her a little treat, to a thank her for the gift and 2 take her mind off or it.

One of my cats is the same. he brought me a live frog the other day, thanks for that. i had to cover it up so that eh could not get at it any more and i took him into the kitchen and gave him a few treats, he soon forgot all about the frog.

You've got to love them for this kind of action, to them they are giving you a gift. Even though to us we would rather not have half killed creatures littering your lounge.

We have rescued lots of different things this year from frogs and mice to birds and butterflies. I suppose it all part of their hunting instinct.

best wishes Kate

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