cat losing hair

Hi my female cat is losing hair in one spot down by her tail.Is there any treatment I can give her at home to stop it.We changed her food because it was making her sick.She is supposed to be an inside cat but she accidentally got out a few times.The hair loss was getting better but it has started again.What do I do.

Answer by Kate
Hi, it is important that the cause of the skin loss is discovered, so that it can be treated properly. My page about hair loss here may help you think what the casue may be, but at the end of the day only avet can diagnose and treat the condition.

Comments for cat losing hair

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similar story---allergy
by: Marilyn

I had a cat with this problem. It would start near the tail but would spread to the point where
her entire backside...back of tail, legs & butt, would lose fur. She would be bare only in that area.

The vet thought it was a skin allergy. Took skin & blood samples for several tests but could
never determine what specifically she was allergic to. She was put on a daily steroid/cortosone pill.

Her fur grew back and she looked normal again. From time to time, early in the allergy's career,
I would test the waters and not give her the cortosone for a few days to see if the allergy had gone away. (long steroid use can be harmful to kidneys) She would start to lose her fur again after a few days without the pill. So, she got a daily pill for many years, kept her fur and lived to be 18.

Hair loss
by: Anonymous

A cat losing hair only around the base of the tail is a flea allergy. You can have her flea dipped at a vet or at home yourself. Also, you can bathe her in orange scented dish detergent. Not only will it kill fleas but the scent will repel them.

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