Cat Medicine
Give Cat Pills With Ease

Cat medicine and pet meds such as tablets or liquids may have to be given from time to time when your cat is ill. In fact every cat owner will have to do this at one time or another and it can be a cause for some anxiety. 

However providing cat care to ensure good cat health and administering medicines need not be difficult.

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  • Nursing your cat at home
  • How to give your cat pills

Administering Cat Pills And Liquid Medicine

Giving your cat medicine can sometime be difficult if you are nervous or unsure or how to do it so that it does not stress either the cat or yourself.

However it is quite easy with a little practice and most Vets will be able to give you advice concerning how to give pet medication they prescribe especially if injections are required. 

However the best techniques for giving a cat a pill is:

  • Hold the cat’s head firmly but gently and pull the head back until there mouth opens (you may have to pull the jaw down gently as well).

  • Pop the pill to the back of the cats tongue and close the mouth

  • Still holding the head back, stroke the cats throat to encourage them to swallow the pet medication.

Liquid cat medicine:

  • Hold the head firmly with one hand

  • Using a clean syringe push the end of the nozzle into the side of the cats mouth through the lips.

  • Slowly push the plunger allowing the cat to swallow the pet meds as it goes in (if you do it too fast it may go into the lungs

Nursing At Home

If your cat requires medical care at home, after surgery for instance, it is important to remember that providing just the basic comforts like warmth, safety, quiet and calmness will aid your cat’s recovery.

In cases where the cat is unable to do much for its self make sure you are there to do them for it.


Grooming for instance is very important to a cat and it will become distressed if it is unable to do this, so make sure you gently brush the fur with a suitable grooming brush and gently wipe the face with a damp cloth to remove any discharges from the eyes and nose.

Litter Tray

You may have to help your cat to the litter tray and hold it while it relieves itself. You should also make sure that the litter tray does not have high sides which will make it more difficult for a cat to climb into.


Feeding may have to be carried out by using a large syringe with mashed up cat food.Or even giving the food a little at a time on your finger if the cat is finding it very difficult to eat anything.

Check with the vet which food would be best during your cats illness, some foods are specifically designed to aid recovery from sickness.

Remember gentleness and a soothing voice is all important during these times, this is where being confident in giving cat first aid will really help.

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