Cat not eating or drinking suddenly

by Rick Phillips
(Lomita California)

Hello, My wife and I have three cats, all three are between the age of 11 to 13. Are female cat is small about 9 pounds, but usually eats like a horse. The past few days, she has stopped eating and drinking. It dosen't appear that she using the cat box. My wife and I are force feeding her now, and she is keeping it down. Usually she will eat anything, but now she won't eat anything. We took her to the vet this morning, and should get the test results by tomorrow. I do know these symptons, can be very serious, but my question is, other than the worst situation, what could be some of the treatable and non life threating possibilities?

Answer by KAte
hi i am sorry to hear that your cat is unwell, however i am not a vet and the symptoms you describe do sound rather out of the norm which only tests (which you have had done ) can

Hopefully it is nothing more than a virus which has knocked her for six the past few days, a little like when we have eaten something bad or have the flue etc, we don't much feel like eating etc.

Sorry i could not be of more help. i hope the news today is good.

best wishes Kate

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