cat not in heat?

by Kenni

i have a 2 year old cat and to my experience she has not been in heat. she is not fixed. she is a very small cat even for 2. she was a farm cat. she has never howled but she may be the culprit of some random urinating in the house. i don't know for sure as it may have been our other cat urinating. is this normal? or even possible?

Answer by Kate
Hi well yes I suppose it could be possible. If she is small for her age is may well have not developed as normal cats do. However 2 is rather late.

I am wondering if she may have some genetic issues i.e born without a fully developed vagina or ovaries etc. It may be worth checking with your vet as this may or may not cause her problems. whether or not the urination is connected is difficult to say, she may be in a little distress for some reason which could cause the urination. Having her checked over by a vet would be the best option I think.

Hope she is Ok

best wishes Kate

For more on the signs of cat heat please see this page

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