cat ower and loving it

by teresa
(puert rico)

My kitten is almost.a year old. He had sex change surgery. He is doing well. Plays jump,beats up on his brother. My problem is he smells like urine. He is long haired. So is his brother, he doest smell. What could be causing this? Could he have an infection again?

My husband and i cant afford doctors vist all the time. But i am worried, he didnt smee before. Only in the past cuple of days. I am going to cut his hair in that area and see whT happens. Please help me!
Thank u

i assume you don't mean a sex change but that you had him neutered.

It may simply be that the anesthetic relaxed his bladder and he had an accident on himself and he needs a good clean.
yes cutting the hair around his behind and gently wiping the area with warm water should do the trick.

if the smell continues then their may be a actual problem with either his bladder of his control, in which case he will have to see a vet in case something got nicked in the operation which is causing these new problems.

lets home that this is just a temporary issue which will sort itself out in a day or two.

best wishes kate

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