Cat Photos For Cheshie

Cat photos page for Cheshie my cat. Hi I'm My name is Gabriella.

About my cat:

Sex - Female

Age - 4 months

Lives In - Milton,: Canada

My favorite food - Wellness Kitten Dry food

This is what I like to do the best - Hunting toys, watching water drip down the faucet and cuddling up in bed with us.

My funny habits are - When Cheshie eats and she's really hungry, she makes weird sounds like "nom,nom,nom".

How I found my cat - We got Cheshie from a non-registered Bengal breeder whose male cat mated with another Pure Bred Bengal female who had kittens.

Comment from kate
Sooooo cute, what a great face. One of my cats lots to drink from the facet too. he puts one leg up to brace himself against the wall while he licks the bottom of the tap. My bath has permanent little muddy paw marks in it. He once jumped in the bath not realising it was full of water. the look of sheer surprise on his face was fantastic. Didn’t stop him doing it again though.

I know what you mean about the nom nom nom sound. My partner hates the sound of people eating or even swallowing too loud. But he absolutely loves the sound of our cats munching away at their food. I think we know what he prefers better, cats or humans .

Cheshie is an unusual name for a cat. Is it to do with Cheshire cats I wonder?

Big Brother and Little Sister

Fredrick is also on this site somewhere and now he's got a little sister (adopted), Cheshie. They have a "love-hate" relationship!

They chase each other around the house, nip each other and play cat games. Fred thinks he's older and so if Cheshie doesn't listen, he hisses at her and bats her in the face.

Once I caught them sleeping side by side! This is an unusual case since Fred was first in the household for 3 years before Cheshie arrived!

How my bengal got her name "Cheshie"

My pretty princess Cheshie got her name when we decided we needed our other kitty, Frederick (in Cat Gallery Two), to have a female friend. My husband and I were thinking of all kinds of female names that ended with an "e" sound--since cats seem to respond well to that particular letter sound.

After recalling the movie Alice in Wonderland and having a particular interest in the "Cheshire" cat, my hubby wanted to name our bengal, "Cheshie", due to her striped tail and cute smile.

So that's how she got her unique name!

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