Cat poop

by Rick
(Surrey BC Canada)

Mother ( Coal ) Daugther ( Smudge )

Mother ( Coal ) Daugther ( Smudge )

Why is our full grown 2 yr old cat going poop in the bath tub when theres 2 litter boxes for them? We have 2 cats and there both doing it. The cats are Mother 3 and daughter 2

Answer by Kate
There are two reasons why a cat may do this. firstly they may be ill and have a tummy upset which causes them to feel strange and behave differently. Secondly and more commonly it is used like urine as a strong visual and scent marker. So when they use it like this it is usally caused when they are upset by something and feel that they have to make the home smell more of them to make themselves feel secure and also to send a signal to other cats. See my page under cat urine called middening for more info.

Comments for Cat poop

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Too much poop in the litter box?
by: Wendy

My cat will poop in the tub or somewhere else when his litter box needs to be cleaned. Try cleaning the litter box more often and see if this resolves the problem. They like clean toilets it seems.

Not peeing in litter box, always!
by: Pat

We've had our kitten, now 7 months, about 6 weeks. She's a sweet girl, an indoor only, and an only child. Normally she uses her litter box but once in awhile she pees in the laundry sink, the bathroom and on hard bathroom floor. When I catch her early enough, I get her to the litter box! I've had several cats but never this problem..she pees near on on the drain hole???!!!quas

Pooping Syble
by: Anonymous

My cat syble was adopted from a small dog resue. She was a runt and was going to be put down at the animal shelter. Well, there was a reason to call her Syble. She was 1 pound and would hiss at you.

She has turned into a great cat. She follows me around all the time, but for a while she has started pooping on the floor in the bathroom. She is a couple of feet from the litter box. We have 2 litter boxes and 3 cats. At times I think she is trying to tell me to clean the litter box, or there is not enough food, or i do not know.

I have tried the sprays, but she still does it. Does anyone have some helpful advice?

Please red this page it may be of some help

by: Anonymous

My first child my male cat Hank is 4yrs now adopted him as a kitten and i now have a 15mth old son who has joined the family and jusat starting about a mth now ago he has started poopin beginning on the bathroom rug but has moved up to sink and remained there EVERYDAY!!! so we fill with a little water and he uses his litterbox i swear i give him the attention but i guess he just doesnt like our son being there!!! i dunno what else to do.

by: Dani

lol, mine peed, until I cleaned it, rinsed and left some nice cold water in it, a couple inches will do. I wasn't real sure wich one it was (we have a male and female, siblings). I was pretty sure it was the male since they're reaching 9 months now and he's pretty mature looking. Boy, was I wrong. I left the water in there, on purpose, and waited for the splash. LMAO, it was our little girl, she downright refuses to go in the tub now, lol. And, the peeing stopped, little snot.

For those that think it was mean, well it kinda was, but that's not why I did it. I wanted to find out wich one was doing it and stop it before it got out of hand.

Same thing here
by: Anonymous

My cat just started doing that too.

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