Cat Rescue Story - Topaz update

by Doris

Well, Topaz went to the vet and she is about the same - no better but no worse. Shes taking her tablets like a good girl, and having her eyedrops which shes not too keen on. The vet also says she has some liver damage from a kick or blow from way back, but theres nothing that can be done about that. Its just a case of keeping an eye on her.

Shes getting really brave, she wanders round the place with the other six now and even sits on top of the wardrobe. I dont know why the top of the wardrobe is so fascinating but they all go up there at sometime or another. Another fav place is inside of the wardrobe; when Im trying to get something out usually...still with six out of seven cats being female I guess I should expect it; no doubt they want to borrow my jeans or something....

Right now Ian and 0rchid are on the sofa, Fleur is in top of the computer, Fae and Mia are on one armchair, Pretti is on the other armchair, and Topaz is on the bed, and Rosie on top of the fish tank. I think I better go find myself somewhere to sit.....Talk again soon

Comment from Kate
Thanks for keeping us up to date with all your kitties, i love reading about what they're up to. Quick grab a seat for yourself. :)

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