Cat scratching his ears

Ever since I've had my cat he has scratched in front of his ears until it bleeds and scabs up. He doesn't have ear mites. I've taken him to the vet a number of times. It's seems that an animal type benedryl helps with that a little. My cat also throws up a least once a week at night. The vomit has hairballs in it quite a bit. He is also a very hungry cat. We can't walk toward the kitchen without him running towards his dish meowing. He is a little overweight, and we're trying to feed him less because of it. The vets in our area specialize in large animals and it just seems like they don't care about my cat's problems. Do you have any idea what could be wrong with my baby? Thanks!

Answer by Kate
I am not a vet and so cannot give you a diagnosis but if there is itching then their must be a skin or allergy problem, especially if the cat scratches so much that it bleeds.

You could try changing his brand of food in case he has an allergy to a ingredient in it. I would also strongly recommend that you do try and get your cat seen by another vet. as the scratching is so localised it would suggest that there may be a skin problem in that area that may need some treatment.

As for the hairballs, make sure you groom him at least twice a week to remove a lot of the loose hair so that he doesn't digest so much. there are also hairball preparations that help to get rid of the hairballs See my page about hairballs here

Comments for Cat scratching his ears

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scratching cat
by: joy Ragdoll started w red marks in front of the ear canal...then they would go away ( I thought ear wax), the weeks later, I noticed a spot behind his head near shoulders that had a chunk of fur missing , size of dime maybe? I thought he got stuck under the couch, so I blocked off the couch so he could not go under, the area healed without issue or intervention, I only kept it clean w saline. THEN weeks later, another spot and I witnessed him itching , a lot! So to the VET. I was told food allergy most I switched to Royal Canin hypo-allergenic..., it worked! I was surprised. so after 12 wks , I was allowed to add a NOVEL protein , so I added Duck, and rabbit wet food which he gets as treat w lots of water. He had stones in the past, so this food is good for both! THANK GOD! GOD BLESS AND GOOD LUCK TO U AND YOUR KITTY)))

Cat scratching his ears
by: Anonymous

I would suggest an animal dermatologist. I have a Maine coon that started with feline acne, then later was digiing his ears until they bled, then started digging sores on his neck . The vet tried several steroid injections over the course of a few years. The injections would help somewhat. She recommeded an animal dermatologist. After 1 visit I found out he was allergic to 6 different allergens. The dermatologist formulated a vaccine. I give him an injection once every 3 weeks. They teach you how to do it. My only regret is not going to the dermatologist sooner

what do I do?
by: talia

I have 5 seven week old kittens.. I've noticed that one of kittens has a red and bumpy ear, it's also starting to form scabs and he won't stop scratching it... He's never had it before and I don't know what could have caused this? Is it due to him play fighting with his brothers and sisters or is it the fleas bitting him?!?! They have fleas because they are stray cats.. Can I just put some Neolsporin on it?

No you should not put anything on it. I assume you are treating the kittens for the fleas as this can be very dangerous for them.

the bumps on the ear could be due to flea bites. You will need to treat for the fleas and see if the ear heals up over the next week or so. if not then you will need to take the kitten to the vet.

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