cat seems nervous after giving birth

my cat gave birth to 3 kittens today.. This was her first litter.. Everything seem to have went well but now she is following me and I will go back to the room with her and see if something is wrong... But everything seems to be fine. She will lay with them for a while and I will stay and pet her... After a while I will leave and she will follow and meow again.. What does this mean?

She is just insecure and not sure what to do with the kittens.

you are the leader and the one she trusts so she is wanting to be near you for reassurance.

Don't worry some cats take longer to calm down after giving birth. She will be fine in a few days when she gets used to her new situation etc.

best wishes Kate

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New cat mother
by: Anonymous

Kate is correct. Not every female cat just falls in to motherhood.
When the queens have finished the delivery, I put clean papers and linen in their birthing box and then put the box in a mesh playpen in the living room. This gives her plenty of room "away" from the kittens and she's not cut off from her humans. You can pick one up at a thrift store for about $10. That's not bad for 3-4 weeks use.
I've had 4 litters in that playpen. It keeps the kittens safe and secure until they are ready to run around. I figure if they have the strength to climb out then they're good to go!

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