Cat sleeping in my room

by Natasha

I'm deciding to get a kitten. It's going to sleep in my room. I wanted to know if it's Ok if the kitten sleeps in my room for the whole night. if it's dark in the room, can the kitten get ijured if she's walking around. my parents don't want it to sleep in my bed so I want it to sleep in a basket.

Answer by Kate
Well I am not sure really how to answer this one. I don't know if you know but cats have different eyes to humans and they are much better at seeing at night time. In fact in the wild cats are more active at night time as this is when they would catch prey (in fact this is an instinct and so even the domestic cat may be more active at night).

I don't think your problem will be te kitten getting hurt i think your problem will be getting any sleep yourself. Your kitten will probably spend the whole time sleeping a little, thenplaying and getting into all sorts of mischief as well as waking you up for attention.

Of course if you can put up with this great I'm sure having them in your room at night will be fine.

You could always try to wear them out before bedtime say half an hour before bedtime with a real runaround game and then feed them a meal this may help to settle them down for some sleep.

best wishes Kate

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by: Anonymous

thanks very much Kate for answering my question. I really appreciate it

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