Cat sleeping on me instead of beside me.

by Deb
(Kansas City)

Out of the blue my female 4 year old cat has started crawling on top of my side to sleep instead of curl into my stomach or beside me on the bed.

I am just recovering from the stomach flu.
Could she be changing to a mothering mode instead of a kitten mode?

Answer by Kate
Ah cats who can tell what goes on in their minds.

My cats will do this from time to time. Sometimes they are happy top sleep next to me, sometimes on top of me. i used to think it was because they were cold and were using me as a hot water bottle.

in your case it could well be that they sense that you have been unwell and are being more protective of you. But as i say, its impossible to know for sure what they are thinking.

Hope you are better soon

best wishes Kate

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