Cat Suddenly Scared?

by Kristen

We found a cat in the street, a city over, she looks thin and pregnant.

We brought her home, fed her and what not, she loved it inside, she liked being pet and would sleep next to you, the first day and night were fine.

She wanted to go outside and we let her, she'd meow and come towards us, and we'd bring her back inside.

She was fine.

Now this is the third day, suddenly she won't get near any of us.
Shes scared and will hop the fence if we try and get near her.

I don't know what to do!

I don't want her having kittens in abandoned lot.

Answer by Kate
Cats are very independant animals and they don't always do what we want them to do. All we can do is offer them a warm place to sleep and food and medical care etc. It is up to them if they want it or not we can not force them to like us.
if this is a feral cat then she will be very skittish and nervous anyway, the fact that she let you near her at first was probably due to her being preganant as they often get a little more affectionante then normal. however her natural feral instincts will be stronger and she may never fully except human help.

All you can do is to keep offering her food and a warm place to sleep, perhaps put a cardboard box witha blanket outside so she can use it if she wants to.

If your lucky she may bring the kittens to you later.

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