cat vomiting what coud be wrong?

by Lorraine
(Raleigh, NC)

My 4 year old male cat has been vomiting for 3 days. I have had him to the Vet, he was given IV fluids, IB-profin, antibotics, urine test and had a complete check up. All which came out negitive. I gave him his pill (antibotic) wrapped in a treat which he promptly vomited on the floor. Do you know of any over the counter treatment to try that could possibly settle his stomach? i understand that he could have eaten or drank something bad for him out doors. But at this point I am willing to try any remedy. Please give me a suggestion, thank you, Lorraine

Answer by Kate
I must admit i do not know of any over the counter treatments. Especailly if the vet does not know what is wrong with him. Did he check for fur balls?
Is your cat drinking? It is very important that your cat gets fluids especially if they are being sick.
It may be that your cat needs few days of very soft pureed food or just water to let the antibiotic work and to get out what ever is in his systemm. Sorry i could not be of more help. I hope he gets better soon.

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cat vomiting What could be wrong
by: Anonymous

Have you recently changed his cat food? My neighbor has a male cat that vomits any cat food except one that the vet sells her to give him. That particular cat food is for cats with intestinal problems. I don't know if this might help also, but I recently had a 3 month old kitten with vomiting issues as well. I took her to the vet also and she checked out fine. They only thing they thought she might have was a viral infection which she might had contracted at the shelter where she was. I was adviced by a breeder to try plain yogurt. yogurt helps kill the bad bacteria in the intestine. It helped my kitten tremendously and she also said to give her pedialyte if she wasn't drinking water. I think this helped save my kittens life. They can very easily become dehydrated. I was adviced if she didn't want to eat at all to force feed the yogur which I did a few days only and in a short time she was eating more and more on her own mixed with a little cat food. If I were you, I'd try that

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