cat wounds - what can i use to help them heal?

I have an almost 3 year old male, Calvin and an almost 4 year old female, Zoe. Calvin likes to attack Zoe, not in a malious way, but Zoe doesn't really like it and she usually cratches him pretty well and sometimes they are bad. Is there something that I can put on the cratches that will heal, help heal faster, and keep infection out? Please help.

Thank you,

Answer by Kate
well no there isn't anything that can make them heal faster. All you can do is to keep the wound clean and you can wipe with a mild antiseptic solution (make sure that it is safe for cats and does not include phenol, cresol or related products as they toxic to cats).

Hopefully your male cat gets the message and keeps his distance.

I do have a web page about cat first aid here for your further information

best wishes Kate

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by: Anonymous

That is what Ive always used on my cats (there are 4 in the house) so there are frequently new scratches as they are still young and like to play rough. That is what the vet recommended to me and it usually starts to heal it within a couple days.

organic healing
by: sarah

You could try some Comfry balm it accelerates healing like arnica cream, its a natural remedy, you could buy in a health food shop. Goodluck

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