Cats and Humans

Can cats feel competitive about territory with humans who come to visit the home?

Our outdoor cat went missing two days after we received visitor from overseas. The person is staying in a room where he liked to sleep in the afternoons and is using the batheroom sink where he was used to drinking from. Could this be related to why he ran away? Is he likely to return after the person leaves?

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by: Kate


yes this could have upset him and caused him to go and hide until they have gone. Cats can be very senitive about any sort of changes to their world. He may have not socialised with a lot of people before or could just be that he doesn't like the scent they wear. I have come across this before.

I can't see why he wouldn't come back once he thinks the intruders have gone. I wouldn't worry too much, just make sure that you leave some food out for him so that he still feels reassured that this is his home.

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