cat's grandma

by grandma kitty sitter

i'm baby sitting my daughters' cat. she's not eating much and is very lathargic. she won't let me touch her, but thats not unusual. she also threw-up , it was clear with black dots----can you help? My daughter will be back in two days.

Answer by Kate
Well there are several reasons why your cat may be acting like this. either she is ill with a bug (which may be just a couple of days and will clear up my itself or if not will need medical treatment) or the cat has a hairball. this can often cause cats to go off their food for a few days and appear tired and ill at ease. the vomiting is also a sign that she may be trying to get a hair ball up.

Make sure the cat has plenty of fresh water to drink and hopefully she will be better in a few days time, if not then your daughter can then decide to take her to the vets.

I have a web page about cat vomiting and also one about hairballs, here are those pages for your information

best wishes Kate

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