Cats Paws

by Tina

I have a male indoor cat of about 2 yrs old that we recently adopted from a rescue centre..he's a lovely affectionate cat and gets on well with my two other cats,the problem is about 6 weeks ago i noticed one of the pads or his right front paw looked sore and red and had started to bleed..i took him to the vet and she gave him some antibiotic and within a few days later it was all clear and back to normal,Yesterday i have now noticed his back right foot one of the pads again is now bleeding and it looks sore..i am taking him again the vets today,as he is a strictly indoor cat and we have hardwood floors through out there is nothing he can be cutting his feet it just he has dry skin on his feet and he needs some cream to keep them moistened.or is there a underlying problem elsewhere going on that we arent aware of?

It sounds to me like there may be an infection which keeps returning. This may be due to something which has penetrated the pad but is difficult to see but keeps irritating the pad. you cat may then keep nipping at it causing it to bleed.

It is likely that the vet will just give more antibiotics again and check the paw out to see if there is anything evident which could be causing the infection.

best wishes kate

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by: Tina

yesterday we took him to the vets..and again she gave him another antibiotic injection,the thing is this isnt the same pad or even same foot as the first one..its a different it cant be a reaccuring infection,she said she would see if it happens a 3rd time and then take it from there ..her opinion was perhaps a dermertitous problem that may require steriod injections

Sorry i hadn't realized it was a different paw.

yes the vet is right it it does happen again then it could well be a skin issue like dermatitis or even perhaps a skin allergy. The vet would have to do further tests to try and determine which.

Hope they can sort it out soon, it must be very distressing for your cat.

best wishes kate

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