change in the quality of cat's meow

by Michele

My cat Mickey, who is about 12-13 years old, has begun having a change in the tone of his meow. He is a very vocal guy however lately he meows and it sounds weaker almost hoarse. The odd thing it doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes he will go a full week or 2 and he sounds like himself. He grooms himself a lot so it makes me wonder is it hair?

The other thing is at night when he comes in he used to make his rounds by meowing his hellos to me and my husband and his meow was frequent and tolerable until one of us picked him up. Now his meow has become urgent and the tone has changed. It sounds as if he is pissed off. We pick him up and give him affection and then put him down yet he continues with the urgent, pissed off tone.
Any idea what it could be?

Answer by Kate
well as cats get older just like people they can get a little more grumpy and their behaviour can change. Can I ask that you read my page about senior cats here as it contains some information for changes in behaviour.

Regarding his meow it could be that he has hair balls forming especially if he does groom a lot. Again I wouldn’t worry too much, as long as he is still eating normally and he appears happy in himself.

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cat's meow
by: Anonymous

Does the cat still eat, has the cat gotten thinner? take it to your vet. My 21 yr old's voice changed, like when you have a sore throat and it's raspy. Took her to the vet and she had a tumor on her vocal chords. It was a matter of time and then she had to be put down.

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