crazy cat rubbing against things

by Ayla

My cat has been meowing and rubbing against things alot lately? she is 6 monthes old. She has been dewormed and has a current flea killing powder called shell flour on her. she also has been jumping into boxes and when i pet her head to tail she pulles her head and tail up and puts her belly to the floor please help (has not been sprayed)

Answer by Kate
Hi sounds to me like she could be experiencing her first period of being in heat. the symptoms you describe sound very much like a cat in heat, see this page for more details

Also have you considered using the spot on treatments for fleas for your cat. there is less chance of your cat ingesting any of it whereas with powder they can. the powders are normally only used to get rid of fleas once they appear and are not intended for prolonged use. Please see this page for more info on various flea treatments.

best wishes Kate

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