dealing with death of a cat

by laura stickland
(England )

I had two cats both black and brother's. One recently died in a road accident, and there is a cat around that looks like the one that died. my other cat (his brother) has been acting a bit strange and I was hoping if you could tell me how to cheer him up and how long cat's memories are?

I'm getting really desperate as he has been down in the dumps lately and and a bit moody, please tell me how I can help him!!!!

Answer by kate
Many people don't realise that animals can feel greif and a sense of loss too. I have seen it myself.

I ended up writing an article about it, here is a sample from that article to read the rest visit the link at the end of this message.
"To try and help a cat through a period of grieving, we can pay more attention to them and make more of a fuss of them than we would normally do. However we should not give them treats but rather we should try and distract them with a game. It is all too easy to give a cat a treat to console them when they are mewing or not eating their usual food, but to the cat, we are rewarding the behaviour and they will continue to do it."

Full article here

best wishes Kate

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