Does my cat need to go to the vet?

by Nicolette

My cat has been fine and no medical problems her whole life. Until today it was concerning when I pet and scratched my cats butt on the top by her tail like usual (not hard) and she cried! I dont know whats wrong with her and if I should take her to the vet. My mother said she witnessed her scratching/ nibbling at that area earlier today.

The base of the tail area is often where fleas or other skin parasites like to gather so it may be that she has some irritation in that area.

However there could be other reasons, she may have fallen and landed awkwardly and may have hurt her back.

To be honest if this continues and she shows signs of distress for more than a day or so in this area and if you cannot see any obvious problems then your best option is to take her to the vet to have her checked out.

Keep an eye on her over the next day or so and take a look at her skin in that area for signs of irritation etc.

best wishes kate

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