Does this happen often?

by Sarah
(Oakhurst, NJ)

My male cat used to spary, so I had him neutered. I know he still has the ability to spray, but the odor is much less pungent. He hadn't been spraying though for about the last I am recently pregnant, and I think he has started spraying in my bedroom. Does that sound like something a male cat would do? I've heard they can sense when you are pregnant. Could this be a territorial thing because he senses I am?

Answer by Kate
when a neutered male cat urinates in the home like this it is not related to the spraying they would have done before they were neutered. generally this urination is caused by changes in the home which has made youir cat feeling a little uneasy and the urination is designed to make hime feel more secure in the home. So your cat may have sensed that your emotions etc have changes or you may have bourght items for the baby, and all these changes will have affected your cat.
Hopefully once your cat gets used to the new situation he will stop urinating in the home.

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