Domestic shorthair cat 13yo, became like an oldman over night.

by John
(Lynnwood, WA)

Jack in his too small cat bed.

Jack in his too small cat bed.

Jack, our male short hair, became acting like an oldman.

One day he was acting normal: jumping on the bed, meowing constantly, jumping and climbing on things
he shouldn't and being mischeivious.
One morning he didn't get up to wake me up. He was sleeping on a chair, whereas he usually slept with us.
He slept more than usual and when he was awake his right eye had the white 3rd eye lid exposed. Inactive,
but he was eating and having no problems in the litter box. He began sleeping on my office chair at the other end of the house avoiding us and his sister Maggie. He started sneezing and we took him to the
vet. They did bloodwork which turned out ok and gave him antibiotics.
His day became, he's be perky, his old self and then be oldman cat by the time the day was over or
the4 reverse. He'd start bad and then get good. He fought with the other cat and jumped up on the
kitchen table, which he knows he's not to do, so when he does, he's ok.
Today I coaxed him out of his chair with some food and he ate wet food. He fell down while he was
eating today. His eye has the white lens and he's been sleeping in my chair in the living room. He kneeds his blanket a lot
before sleeping.
Don't know if this is old age, but the onset happened over night.
We are considering taking him to another vet.

well yes it could be old age but i agree with you it generally does not suddenly happen.

yes take him to another vet. there is no harm in getting a second opinion.

He may have an eye problem as the showing of the third eyelid is a common symptoms. See this page for more on this


It is better to be safe than sorry and even a good vet can miss something, so getting a second opinion is always advisable.

Hope you can find the cause soon


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