Feral cat very scared

by mary
(Rockwall Texas)

I have a cat whom have had for 6 years, got her as a kitten. She is very skittish, always scared and stays hidden 99% of the day, till night falls and everyone is asleep. if the door bell rings she freaks out, if you lock her out of her preferred place to hide, she crys and moans cause she is so scared, she wonders around not knowing what to do cause she is so scared, she is even scared of us at times. she is skinny cause she doesn't eat during the day, and she is too scared to come out that she poops where ever it is that she is hiding, which is always in my closet. she is well taken care of, spoiled rotten and the only person she will even consider is me, but only if im awake all by myself, she will come wanting me to pet her. she is terrified of any kind of loud noise. I can be petting her in my lap and if she hears a sudden noise she literally claws my legs to run and hide, if i ut her in a carrier to take to the vet, she crys like a cat in heat, she is so terrified. i feel sorry for her and i feel she shouldn't live her life in fear all the time. i have a noisy house ful of small kids and soon a dog, and i feel she will have a miserable life here, what should I do? she has always been this way, but it actually got put of control when we has our first child. Kids aer loud, they cry and they make sudden movement, she is terrified of my 4 year old,whom loves her so much and is so gental and kind.

Sadly some cats are more scared than others and your cat certainly sounds this way.

yes it would be better for her to have lived in a nice quiet household where she was the only animal. of course this is a consideration you may want to think about now. especially as you are considering getting a dog who she is not used to, you may find that she develops further issues such as urination scenting.

I don't know if you have tried any of the cat calming treatments out there. There are things you can add to your cats food and there are also sprays etc which are said to help them calm down. you will be able to find out more information about these on my page here


As i say at the end of the day it will be your judgement of the situation and how your cat reacts to things which will lead you to a decision.

best wishes kate

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