Finding Monty - Cat Poem

by Rosie Bingham
(Adelaide, South Australia)

Monty the cat

Monty the cat

’Twas just before Christmas
when the good Lord said to me
I have a very special gift
I wish to give to thee.
You’ll find him in a Shelter,
way up in the hills,
He’s been there awaiting
– look and you will see.

I looked and I waited
but nothing did I see
It wasn't until I was about to
leave that “Monty” came to me.
Looking wise and very beautiful,
I knew at once he had to be
the gift from Lord Jesus,
especially for me.

I said, of someone you remind me,
he said it’s meant to be
His soul reached out to mine,
and homeward bound
We travelled – just he and me.
I thank you Lord Jesus
for bringing “Monty” to me.


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Thank you
by: Anonymous

Hugs to you!!

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