Getting a new cat

I'm really in need of some advice - me and my partner adopted two female cats (Ruby and Amber) from the cats protection league. They are both three years old. We have had them for 6 months now. When we got them they were very nervous but they have come on leaps and bounds. They are still not boisterous cats and they can be nervy but they like cuddles and come lay on the bed with us. They are also going outside happily and seem content.

We have been offered a 7 month old male kitten because a friend of a friend got him and now can't have him and it seems no one else wants him. We said we couldn't have him cos of our other two initially but its been 2 weeks now and this poor kitten still has not home.

We spoke to the cats protection league where we got our cats and they said it would probably be ok. Our main concern is not that our girl cats would be aggressive because they are not at all aggressive but more that it might make them more nervous?? We have no problem having 3 cats in terms of finances or time to spend with them but just really worried about the Ruby and Amber??

Any advice would be appreciated.

Answer by Kate
Hi, it all depnds on how the cats are introduced to each other. if it is done slowly and in a step by step wya then the intregation should be much easier. please read my page about introducing cat to each other here

best wishes

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