Greyson Our Cat

by Aileen
(Escondido, CA, UUSA)

Greyson the cat

Greyson the cat

Met Greyson while putting something in my car getting ready for work. He was friendly and thought he may have been a stray since I didn't see a collar around his neck. I was just talking to him saying if he needed a home. I was walking back to my place and didn't think he would follow me back but he did. I opened my door and asked if he wanted to come in and he did. I kept him in that day while I went to work.

After that for one and a half months, Greyson has come and gone believing that he had an owner. I would try to keep him inside in the evening more for his safety. But for about one and a half weeks he has been staying regularly weekly in the evening time. I am assuming he is my cat.

As far as names, I was trying to find something with the word Grey and something that reflects the color grey since his colors are grey and white. Slade, stone etc. I came upon Greyson and Grayson and liked the sound of Greyson. I called him that name and he came a running. So it stuck.

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Jun 23, 2018
Great story!
by: SDM

Lucky cat, he came upon a kindered soul like you..I truly believe that all the good things you do for another human, an animal or the environment come back to you in good spiritual ways. Thanks for your story & I hope Greyson has found a forever home with you.

Jan 04, 2018

by: Kate

Love the name. At first I thought you had named him after the artist Grayson Perry. One of my favourite artists.

Love your story, you're certainly lucky that Greyson decided that you were the one for him.

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