hair color change on my cats back legs

by carl blanchard
(elm springs ar.)

sissy is 4, mouse gray,health good does seem to scratch , but no fleas, very active, has big brother companion. she is turning to a lot lighter gray , on her side of legs, just normal shedding if any. ??????????????????? eats well, we've tried fish oil in food, heard that will help.

Answer by Kate
Umm well i must say i've never been asked this before.

It may simply be as she gets older that her fur is changing in colour slightly. Although 4 is very young to be getting any white hairs.

I wonder if she has an allergy of some sort which may be causing the itching and if she is scratching off flakes of skin this may make the fur appear lighter.

I have a page about cat allergies here which you may find of further help

To be honest with you, if you really think that there is some change in her fur and perhaps her behavior i.e scratching more, then it is probably advisable to have her checked out by a vet.

I hope she is ok again soon

best wishes kate

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