help cat gone missing

by charmain
(london england)

my cat is nine years old. I have had her one week, i let her out because she seemed so sad... And was used to going out when she belonged to another family. Please tell me will she come back..

Answer by Kate
Hi well let me tell you a story.
My sister rehomed a 5 year old cat from a freind. The second day she had him he got out and dissapeared for over two weeks. She looked everywhere and called him every day and left food out. Then just when she thought she would never see him again he just turned up at her back door.

So yes there is always hope. Can I suggest that you read my page about lost and found cats for more ideas on how to help find him. Here is the page

Also check with his previous home if it is nearby just in case he has returned there.

best wishes Kate

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