Help! Outdoor Cat Laws Causing Trouble!

by Samantha Roberts
(Cocoa, Florida, United States)

I have an indoor outdoor cat that is house trained. I recently moved to florida and wasn't having any problems. then one day while i am at work the humane society came and set traps in my neighborhood. this is mainly because of the strays that are causing problems but now my cat is in danger as well. she does not use a litter box and i hate having her couped up all day while i am at work. she misses running around with her cat friends. does any one have any alternatives or ideas on how i can make my yard safer for her so she can go back outside?

Please Help us,
Samantha and Sterling

Answer by Kate
Hi I really feel for you as I live in the Uk and we do not seem to have the same strict rules over stray cats. I absolutely agree with you about letting your cat out, I get so angry by these people who want to keep their cats in all the time, I think it is paranoia. After all there will always be dangers outside but does that mean you would lock your kids up all day long. Any way back to your problem, the only thing I can say is make sure your cat is microchipped and wears a collar, that way if she does get trapped they should let her go or call you. The only other thing is to build some sort of large enclosure outside for your cat, but this may work out expensive or impractical. Perhaps you could call the humane society and ask them what they would do if your cat were caught, just so that it would put your mind at rest.
I wish you and your cat happy days playing outside and best wishes.

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