HIV Cat sleeping and wont eat

by Lauren

I adopted an FIV cat over a month ago and hes usually always following me around or meowing for food and eating and being annoying lol. But yesturday when i came home he just slept all evening and wouldnt eat or drink, wouldnt even eat wet cat food which he NEVER turns down. It also seemed when he swollowed his mouth seemed dry. Do you know why this would be happening, does this have to do with FIV? Is he sad that he cant go outside?


Answer by Kate
Hi Lauren, well i'm not a vet so i wouldn't like to say whether or not this is becauese of the FIV or not. It could simply be a bug like we all get from time to time. My own cat will have days where she won't eat etc and just sleeps then after a day or so shes back to normal. i would say that if he is no better after a couple of days take him to the vets asap to get him checked out just to be on the safe side. best wishes kate

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