How do I stop my 7 yr old cat from pooing under the bed?
by Melissa Lim
(Sacrmento, Ca )
I have a 3 yr old female Bengal and a 7 yr old Bengal. The 3 yr old I have had since the summer. The 7 yr old from birth. My 7 yr old is very agressive and has pooed other than box about once a month. Just recently she pooed under the bed where my 3 yr old cat sleeps. I have 2 beds on my bed but the older 7 yr old cat trys to sleep in the tiny bed of the 3 yr old. I am so distraught. I can't even get to the poo it is way under the bed. The bed is a heavy craftmatic.
Answer by Kate
This behavior is due I would say to the arrival of the new cat into the home. Pooing like this is a way for a cat to not only scent mark but to also send a visal message to the other cat. hey this is my territory.
I don't know how the two cats were introduced to each other but the process should be done slowly and with care to try and ensure a peaceful existence. It helps to make the cats feel not so threatened by the other cat.
I would suggest taking a step backwards aand going through the process again now with the two cats. Basically you will have to keep them apart for a week or so and introduce them in your presence a few times whilst also spreading their scent around. See my page here for the full description of the process
You will have to somehow get to the poo under your bed as if you leave it there the cats will continue to use the area as their toilet.
best wishes kate
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