How far pregnant is my cat?

by becky

i have got two breed quality persian cats pixie is a year and a half we have let them mate neturally i dont agree with thr whole cats in cages thing but i think she might be pregnant now her nipples seem alot bigger and are pink in colour her tummy is also making noises occasionally like bubbling sounds and it sometimes feels fluttery when you rub her abdomen my question is how far along do you think she is i cant remember the dates of possible mating her belly feels quite big she has never been a big cat its annoying me know end help me feel like such a idiot now should of wrote down the dates when she was on heat

unfortunately it is difficult to say. usually cats don't look pregnant until the last few weeks of pregnancy. this also the time when their behavior starts to change. they may become more affectionate than normal or take themselves off to be alone. it all depends on the individual cat.

Please see this page for more on the process etc

Tummy rumbling is not an indication really but the pink nipples etc could be an indication that her body is preparing for the arrival of kittens. All you can really do is wait to see when she starts to show, then you will know she is a few weeks away from giving birth.

best wishes kate

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by: becky

yeah thanks for my answer about my cat apparently the bubbling sound im hearing and the fluttering you feel is the amniotic fluid sac feeding the kittens hopefully it will be soon she gives birth

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